All About Renal Hypertension

Renal hypertension which is commonly called renovascular hypertension is a type of high blood pressure that takes place in the kidney. Renovascular hypertension is caused due to the blockage in those arteries that are the paths for the blood flowing towards the kidney.
If the patient does not focus well on this condition and it is left untreated then the situation can become worse and kidney failure can occur.
In this article, we will discuss all renal hypertension, the effect of high blood pressure on the kidney, and the symptoms, causes, and required treatment for the disease.

Renovascular hypertension

The blockage in the blood vessels of the kidney results in renovascular hypertension. Commonly this condition occurs because of the blockage in the renal arteries. These arteries are responsible for supplying blood to the kidneys.
Secondary hypertension is usually caused by renovascular hypertension. Secondary hypertension is a condition in which the blood level becomes extremely high. The level of blood pressure is so high that it becomes resistant to the treatment.

High blood pressure and its effect on the kidneys

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDk), high blood pressure can be defined as an increase in the level of pressure that the blood applies on the vessels as they move around the body.
The blood vessels can undergo damage and may become weak due to high blood pressure. The blood vessels are located throughout the body, especially in the kidneys and are affected badly due to high blood pressure. The damaged blood vessels of the kidneys also affect their function.
The improper functioning of the kidney can result in the accumulation of a large amount of fluid and waste inside the bloodstream. This condition can result in high blood pressure and then the kidneys will undergo more severe damage. In most cases, after some time, this condition will cause the failure of the kidneys.


According to NDDk, the body of those individuals that suffer from high blood pressure does not show any clear symptoms. However, a headache is reported in several cases.
During the initial stage of kidney problems, there are no symptoms. But as the diseases make its root deeper in the body oedema will occur. Oedema is a condition in which different body parts become swell. The swelling occurs in the hands and the feet.
If the stage of kidney disease is higher than following symptoms will occur
– Rapid weight loss
– Chest pain
– Problem in breaking
– Problem in Sleeping
– Fatigue
– Muscle cramps
– Nausea
– Vomiting
– Loss of appetite
– Headache
In case a person is taking a lot of medicine to bring the level of blood pressure to a normal point and still it does not affect him. Then doctors suggest that the reason for this condition can be renovascular hypertension.


Those conditions that block the flow of blood towards the kidney can cause renovascular hypertension.
Some common causes of renovascular hypertension are following
– Atherosclerosis
It is a condition that is characterized by the formation of plaque inside the arteries. 90 per cent of cases are because of this problem.
– Fibromuscular dysplasia
It is a condition in which the arteries become narrow. 9 per cent of cases are due to fibromuscular dysplasia
Some other causes are following
– Inflammation
The arteries are inflamed and it is because of the following reasons
– Middle aortic syndrome
– Takayasu’s arthritis
– Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
– Radiation fibrosis is caused by radiation therapy
– Compression of renal arteries
– Dissection of the renal artery occurs when the blood vessels are injured
– The obstruction is caused by surgery performed on arteries

Hereditary Linkage

According to the research if a person’s family has developed renovascular hypertension then it will increase the chances that the individual will also get this problem in his life. If your mother or father has this problem then it is clear that you will also get this at any time in your life. But this condition is most common in old people. Those individuals that have a family history without this problem will make it clear that they would not develop this disease. The cause is mutation.
According to some other research, genes have a role in the formation of kidney problems that are caused by hypertension.

Do dietary habits affect renovascular hypertension?

Your diet affects the development of renovascular hypertension. If you eat a good diet then probably the chances of the development of this disease will be greatly reduced.
According to National Kidney Foundation, a person must follow a healthy diet or DASH diet to control hypertension
The foods that are recommended by the DASH diet are
– Fruits
– Seeds
– Vegetables
– Fish
– Dairy products with low fat
– Poultry
– Beans
– Nuts
If you follow the DASH diet it will limit the intake of
– Saturated fat
– Salt and sodium
– Sweets
– Red meat
– Added sugars


The main aim of renovascular hypertension treatment is to control high blood pressure. If the blood pressure is low then the chances of kidney problems are reduced and it also has a positive effect on health.

Patients with renovascular hypertension take a lot of different medicines to control the condition. These medicines are recommended by doctors. NIDDk found that to control the disease there are two kinds of blood pressure medicines.
These medicines are:
– Angiotensin-converting ACE
– Angiotensin Receptor blocker ARBs
Further, doctors may recommend some other medicines to control blood pressure and kidney problem. The commonly suggested medicine by doctors is diuretics. This medicine helps the kidney to perform its normal functioning and remove excess fluid.
– Surgery
For the immediate treatment of renal artery disease, the two kinds of surgeries are recommended by health care professionals.
These are:
– Angioplasty
In this technique, a balloon is inserted with the help of the groin to widen those arteries that become narrow and reduce the flow of blood towards the kidney. When the arteries become wide the blood flow to the kidney becomes normal.
– Renal bypass surgery
In this surgery, stunts are placed inside the arteries to open the blocked arteries for the same purpose as described above.
These two surgeries are easy to perform and they do not have any side effects. The patient can perform it either as an inpatient or as an outpatient. In the case of inpatient surgery, the person needs to spend a night in the hospital.
Home care
One of the most important points in controlling any kind of disease is home care. So before going to doctors for medical or for surgeries. First, focus well on your diet and lifestyle.
Some essential changes a person can develop are
– Loss overweight
– Quitting smoking
– Follow a healthy diet
– Perform exercise daily


Renovascular hypertension is caused by the blockage in the arteries which supply blood to the kidneys and in this way the normal functioning of the kidneys is also disturbed.
It is serious problem that needs proper attendance. So, consult with the doctor because if you do not focus on your health condition then the situation can become worse and it can take your life.
It can cause kidney failure and it is usually treated with medication, surgeries, and lifestyle changes.

Self-monitoring is the most important key to understanding the effectiveness of your healthcare regime. It is important to use clinically-validated solutions to self-monitor your progress.

ForaCare’s hypertension solutions for self-monitoring offer professional clinically-validated accuracy for ease of mind when testing.

Discover Today

– Boutari, C., et al. (2020). Renovascular hypertension: Novel insights.
– Doris, P. A. (2012). Genetic susceptibility to hypertensive renal disease.
– Herrmann, S. M., et al. (2019). Renovascular hypertension.
– High blood pressure & kidney disease. (2020).
– Nair, R., et al. (2021). Renovascular hypertension.
– The DASH diet. (2017).
– Zhang, C., et al. (2020). Genetic susceptibility of hypertension-induced kidney disease.